Internment Camps in Donbass: History Repeats Itself
To be born Russian, to remain Russian And save this happiness, When and wherever to wander– Such as grandfathers ,to lay down in earth. Nikolai Yevseyev
четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.
Internment camps in Donbass:history repeats itself.
вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.
Documentary.Ukraine crisis: death and destruction continues in Ukraine.
WARNING! Some people could find this footage disturbing!
Extensive war crimes in Donbass from July 2 to July 24, 2014. Kiev's warmgoners/zionists continue genocide of civilian population and deliberate destruction of Eastern Ukraine's infrastructure-school
hospitals, kindergartens, power plants, train stations, etc.
The majority of the footage and interviews you will see in this documentary film will have never
been shown on TV.
четверг, 24 июля 2014 г.
среда, 23 июля 2014 г.
Ukraine:geopolitics & indenity
The 2014 crisis in Ukraine serves as a reminder that in the quest for strategic advantage, the Western powers will not only exploit popular discontent to carry out regime change, but they also will manipulate currents of nationalism for their globalist agenda. Russian conservative author and publisher Mikhail Smolin shares an in-depth perspective on the origins of Ukrainian nationalism and its relation to the Great Game. Translation by Mark Hackard.
In 1912 the outstanding Russian jurist, professor and doctor of international law Pyotr Evgenievich Kazansky wrote:
We live in a bewildering time, when artificial states, artificial peoples and artificial languages are founded.
In our own age, old historical fictions are again returning from nothingness. One of the most dangerous is “Ukrainianism,” which attempts to give an ideological and historical-political basis for the dismemberment of the Russian body, separating from it the Little Russians, having self-defined them as “Ukrainians” unknown to history. Such “national formations” have no ethno-historical roots; they are a product of the modern era. Before the Revolution the Russian nation was one, and the terms Velikorus (Great Russian), Malorus (Little Russian) and Belorus (White Russian) were perceived as concepts determining the geographic location of origin of one or another Russian citizen of the Russian Empire. National separatists appropriate ethnographic meanings to these names, at odds with the historical reality of their origin.
понедельник, 21 июля 2014 г.
суббота, 19 июля 2014 г.
Brief news Southeast Ukraine 18-19 of July
Lugansk.Bloody carnage ukrainian artillery. More than 45 people was killed, about 251 people was wounded during the last 24 hours. No water, no electricity.
вторник, 15 июля 2014 г.
воскресенье, 13 июля 2014 г.
Mar'inka near Donetsk after shelling
WARNING! Some users could find this footage disturbing.
There weren't any combatants...Just locals.More than 30 people are dead.
There weren't any combatants...Just locals.More than 30 people are dead.
четверг, 10 июля 2014 г.
суббота, 5 июля 2014 г.
пятница, 4 июля 2014 г.
Brief news from Southeast on 3 of June
The last newscast from "ANNANEWS". Youtube blocked the channel again yesterday.It happens for the 3 time already.Nothing hurts like the truth.
четверг, 3 июля 2014 г.
The children of Donbass speak:
Ksyusha, 6 yo, Lugansk:
-Most of all I'm afraid that my Mom and Dad will be killed. Then I will not be able to save my 6 month old brother.It would be better I got kiled.
Serezha, 4 yo, Lugansk province:
-My Dad went to war. Mom and Grandma cry every day and say nothing to me.This make me scared even more...May be my Dad has gone already?
Sahsha, 3 yo, Donetsk province:
-I want to eat. Always...
Tanya, 5 yo, Mariupol:
-What we have here is scarier than horror movies.Funerals take place every day...
Sveta, 4.5 yo, Slavy'ansk:
-Our house was bombed. My Mom, Grandma and I then lived in a basement.When another bomb fell in our yard again I started to stutter.
Vanya, 4 yo, Kramatorsk:
-When bomb thumped, I got scared and wet myself. Now, every night, when I hear thunder, I wet myself, and my mother lookes at me and cries a lot...
Sergey, 8 yo, Lugansk province:
-I'm not afraid to die, but if my Mother, Father and Grandmother are killed, I won't be able to live through this.
Eugenia, 9 yo, Donetsk province:
-During the war we began to believe in God for real, without pretending. Because we understand, only God can defend us..
Tamara, 6 yo, refugee from Slavy'ansk:
-The war happens when all around ypu is only evil, but the good are killed and buried somewhere far away
-Most of all I'm afraid that my Mom and Dad will be killed. Then I will not be able to save my 6 month old brother.It would be better I got kiled.
Serezha, 4 yo, Lugansk province:
-My Dad went to war. Mom and Grandma cry every day and say nothing to me.This make me scared even more...May be my Dad has gone already?
Sahsha, 3 yo, Donetsk province:
-I want to eat. Always...
Tanya, 5 yo, Mariupol:
-What we have here is scarier than horror movies.Funerals take place every day...
Sveta, 4.5 yo, Slavy'ansk:
-Our house was bombed. My Mom, Grandma and I then lived in a basement.When another bomb fell in our yard again I started to stutter.
Vanya, 4 yo, Kramatorsk:
-When bomb thumped, I got scared and wet myself. Now, every night, when I hear thunder, I wet myself, and my mother lookes at me and cries a lot...
Sergey, 8 yo, Lugansk province:
-I'm not afraid to die, but if my Mother, Father and Grandmother are killed, I won't be able to live through this.
Eugenia, 9 yo, Donetsk province:
-During the war we began to believe in God for real, without pretending. Because we understand, only God can defend us..
Tamara, 6 yo, refugee from Slavy'ansk:
-The war happens when all around ypu is only evil, but the good are killed and buried somewhere far away
Vanya Ermolov, 5 yo, was killed in Stanitsa Luganskaya yesterday
4.5 yo girl was killed in Slav'yansk
Stanitsa Luganskaya yesterday
According to the statistics of Ukrainian Ministry of Health on 11 of June 14 children were kiled during ATO.
среда, 2 июля 2014 г.
Bloody tuesday in Southeast of Ukraine...
Kondrashovka (stanitsa Luganskaya) became a target for airstrikes of the ukrainian army on the July 2. There wasn't any combatants. Just local people. 15 houses were totally destroyed.
WARNING! Some users could find this footage disturbing!
Soon after airstrike
The victims of the airstrike
WARNING! Some users could find this footage disturbing!
Soon after airstrike
The victims of the airstrike
UN:110.000 people fled Ukraine to Russia this year
The deputy spokesperson for the StateDept Mary Harf:" May be they just've come to visit their grandmums in Russia"? Yes, of course, dear ma'am. U're absolutely right!. All this people has suddenly decided to do this immediately...