«Нежные орхидеи» на Яндекс.Фотках
In today’s Russia International Women’s Day has nothing to do with the feminist movement for protection of women’s political rights. On this day women enjoy being taken care of by their men and children. 8 March is kind of a combination of St. Valentine's and Mother’s Day. It is a wonderful day of womanhood, love, flowers and indulgence. Being a National Holiday in Russia International Women’s Day is free from work.
91% of Russian women and 82% of Russian men consider Women’s Day as an important private holiday. These are the results of the survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM) in February 2008. Most Russians (45%) celebrate Women’s Day at home enjoying a big meal. 18% are going to visit their friends. Only 3% of the Russians are planning to go out to a restaurant.
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