On January, 8, 1905 in Aleksandrovsky palace the meeting has taken place in connection with intention of Gapon to head a demonstration to the Winter palace. Two main problems were considered:
1. All last year and till last days Gapon was loyal to Tsar also polices. He was successor of Zubatov and headed loyal «the All-Russia working assembly». It was the most numerous in Russia the organization of workers. Representatives of socialist parties could not be accepted in this organization. There were no problems prior to the beginning of January, 1905.
However, on January, 3-5 the police has found out, that some socialists-revolutionaries have appeared in the nearest environment of Gapon. They were known polices as potential terrorists.
2. Nicholas II has received on January, 7 a copy of "Petition" (from Gapon) which they were going to hand over Nicholas II on January, 9 on the Palace square. This was very big petition and it contained absolutely unacceptable requirements also. All requirements were offered to be executed immediately. Obviously, it was influence of revolutionary( of Rutenberg). Gapon has got under their influence unexpectedly for police.
Under these conditions Nicholas II could not accept Gapon in the Winter palace and meet people (with demonstrators) on the Palace square. Later (during the stay in Europe) Gapon has answered the question that would be if Nicholas II has left to people on the Palace square. Gapon has told: «Rutenberg and his friends would kill tsar instantly». Gapon himself in the beginning of January, 1905 wanted to become «a minister from people» in the government of Nicholas II.
Now some historians consider, that on January, 9 the first shots have been made of crowd by revolutionaries provokers.
At meeting on January, 8 (in Alexander palace in Tsarskoe selo) the decision was accepted, that Nicholas II should not leave Alexander palace on January, 9. He had no other variant of the decision.The Military Commander was Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, who was not there that day, and had left General Prince Vasil Chikov in charge. However,Nicholas II certainly,bears the responsibility for tragedy of Bloody Sunday as the authoritarian ruler of Russia.
According to official statistics on January, 9 there has been killed 76 person, wounded - 233. More likely, victims was more as their relatives have soon buried some killed, and separate wounded men, being afraid of reprisals, did not address for medical aid. Revolutionaries have taken advantage of a situation and have distributed hearsays, that actually was lost and is wounded about five thousand person...
The term «Bloody Sunday» was entered by English journalist Dilan.
All victims have been buried due to the state, widows have received pensions.
Certainly, Nicholas and Alexandra experienced this tragedy very much.
1 комментарий:
I don't have.I just heard about it.I was going to delete the last phrase about his abdication.
The other facts from this article are confirmed by the historians and archvists.
This period (1905-1917)is one of the most belied in our history...
"Cixi and the ruin of Chinese empire"- was the theme of my diploma at the University.
These kinds of "tectonic processes" are very interesting for me.
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